FAQs & Policies

What are my Rights and Responsibilities as a patient at Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health, a Professional Nursing Corporation?+
What if I need services that Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health does not provide?+

Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health will provide continuity of care by referring and collaborating with Psychiatric Specialists, Family Practice or Internal Medicine Specialists, Neuropsychiatrists or Neuropsychologists, as well as other Specialists who provide other Psychotherapeutic Modalities not provided at Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health.

What are the rates for services at Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health?+

Access Rates here.

Does Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health prescribe Benzodiazepines for Anxiety Disorders and Insomnia? +

Benzodiazepines are Controlled Substances because they can have dangerous effects, especially if misused. Benzodiazepines depress the Central Nervous System and if your nervous system becomes too depressed, you can suffer dangerous or even deadly consequences. Benzodiazepines can also be habit-forming. 

Because of these factors, Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health will prescribe Benzodiazepines on a case-by-case basis only and maintains the right to refuse this service. Patients who wish to wean off Benzodiazepines will be taken on a case-by-case basis. Please ask about alternative treatment options.

Please ask about other treatments for Anxiety and Insomnia.

Does Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health prescribe Stimulants to treat ADHD?+

Stimulants cover a broad class of drugs that increase the activity of the central nervous system. Stimulants have a high addictive potential and are contraindicated in many medical conditions. Stimulant medications will be prescribed for any condition for which it is indicated if specific diagnostic criteria are met per the DSM-5 TR. Stimulant medications will, under no circumstances, be refilled in advance or before their refill date. Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health may require an ECG (electrocardiogram) before initiating treatment with stimulant medication.

What type of insurance is accepted at Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health?+

Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health accepts Aetna, Kaiser Permanente of Northern California, Oxford, United HealthCare, Anthem, Blue Cross California, and Blue Cross Blue Shield Massachusetts. Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health can provide superbills which you can submit to your insurance for reimbursement if you are out-of-network (consult with your insurance about out of network benefits and reimbursement). Patients with insurance can be seen at Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health through Headway or Fusion Care Group. Ask for details.

What are the privacy practices at Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health?+

All website content and submission forms are hosted on a HIPAA compliant server to protect your personal information. By using this site, you agree to this Notice of Privacy Practices. Please review Balances'  complete HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices.

What are the policies for late arrivals, missed sessions, and appointment cancellation at Balance Psychiatry & Mental?+

You are responsible for payment of the agreed upon fee for any missed sessions. You are also responsible for payment of the full agreed-upon fee, for any sessions that you are unable to give a 24-hour notice of cancellation. Please expect your credit card on file to be charged (via HIPPA Compliant platform) as usual for no-show appointments or cancellations with less than 24 hours’ notice.

If you are late to your appointment Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health will still have to end on time for the courtesy of the next client. The fee will remain the same because your fee is based on the amount of time reserved, not the amount used.

What is the confidentiality policy at Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health?+

The information disclosed by you, the patient, is generally confidential and will not be released to any third party without written authorization from you, except where required or permitted by law. Exceptions to confidentiality, include, but are not limited to, reporting child, elder and dependent adult abuse, when a client makes a serious threat of violence towards a reasonably identifiable victim, or when a client is dangerous to him/herself or the person or property of another. In certain legal situations, such as in a child custody case or when your emotional condition is an issue (for example, in a Worker’s Compensation or personal injury case), the judge may order Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health to testify. In the event that an account goes unpaid, it is legal for Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health to disclose your name, dates of sessions, and amount due to a collection agency, or small claims court as necessary.

Does Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health offer Couples or Family Therapy?+

Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health does not currently offer Couples or Family Therapy. 

Does Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health offer Group Therapy?+

Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health does not currently offer Group Therapy.

What will Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health tell me about my child’s treatment?+

Patients under 18 years of age who are not emancipated generally require parental consent to begin treatment. Parental consent must come from a parent or guardian with legal custody. If your minor is the subject of a divorced union Balance Psychiatry & Mental will require you to bring a copy of your most recent custody agreement to initiate consent for treatment. Communications with patients who are minors (under the age of 18) are confidential. However, parents and other guardians who provide authorization for their child’s treatment are often involved in their treatment. In the exercise of professional judgment, Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health may discuss treatment progress of a minor patient with the parent or caregiver. Parents of a minor in treatment should be aware that the therapeutic process does not work without elements of trust and confidentiality. Parents are asked to respect this principle within what is reasonable and possible. Minor clients and their parents are urged to discuss questions or concerns regarding this topic with Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health.

What if Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health is summoned for my mental health records regarding a legal proceeding?+

Information disclosed by a client, as well as any records created, are subject to the provider-patient privilege. The provider-patient privilege results from the special relationship between you and your provider in the eyes of the law. It is akin to the attorney-client privilege. Typically, the patient is the holder of the privilege. If Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health receives a subpoena for records, deposition testimony, or testimony in a court of law, Balance Psychiatry & Mental Health will assert the provider-patient privilege on your behalf until instructed, in writing, to do otherwise by you or your representative. Please be aware that you might be waiving the provider-patient privilege if you make mental or emotional state an issue in a legal proceeding. Please address any concerns you might have regarding the provider-patient privilege with your attorney.

Exceptions to provider-patient privilege include, but are not limited to: If 1) a patient is a danger to self or others, 2) a judge issues a court order, 3) a patient introduces his/her mental condition into testimony, 4) someone is under 16 and victim of a crime, 5) the court is using therapy to establish sanity or competency to stand trial, 6) a patient has treated information as though it is not confidential, 7) information pertaining to the Patriot Act, 8) information listed on a health insurance claim form or child abuse report, 9) a patient files a complaint or lawsuit against therapist.